Typography as Storytelling

Experimental Artist Book Series
Through artists’ books, I gained insights into how graphic design can elevate communication within three-dimensional spaces. This journey deepened my appreciation for handmade objects, valuing their intrinsic originality and artistic significance. For me, the artist books embody a convergence of various artistic mediums — printing, drawing, painting, sculpture, bookbinding, and even architectural elements. It represents a true mixed media, offering endless avenues for creative expression. My experience in crafting artist books led to a profound exploration, as I grappled to establish a connection between the audience and my work. This effort ultimately uncovered a unique intersection between craftsmanship and machinery. 

Permanent Collection
Lonsford Artist Book Collection, Purdue University,
West Lafayette. Indiana.

Filed under  Experimental, Typography, Prints

ㄱ ㅣ ㅁ ㅣ ㅎ ㅕ    hello@mihyunkim.org    instagram: mihyun___kim
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