Stories Become Data 

How Stories and Visual Narrative can be Collected as Data through Co-Creation Processes
Stories Become Data is an interactive digital platform that encourages active participation, inviting users to contribute their unique stories to a collective narrative through writing, drawing, and animation. This environment not only enables individuals to share their personal stories, but also provides a unique opportunity for participants to gain a more holistic understanding of our interconnectedness.

Rooted in creative expression and civic imagination, SBD weaves together the phases of conception, design, and construction, all while infusing an element of play, experimentation, and collaboration. By pushing the boundaries of digital storytelling and narrative-based data visualization, this project aims to introduce fresh perspectives, emphasizing the inherent value of exploration, serendipity, and collaboration in the realm of creative research.

Digital Enviornment

Collaborative Drawings

Collective Stories 

Invited Participatory Community Events 2019 — 2020
— Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas
— San Marcos Public Library, San Marcos, Texas
— Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU),  Beijing, China
— Austin Design Week, Austin, Texas
— Art Teleported organized by CICA Museum, Brooklyn, New York
— CAA (College Art Association) ARTexchange, Chicago, Illinois

Upcoming 2025
—Capital Modern (Hawaii State Art Museum), Honolulu, Hawaii
—ISEA International 2025, Seoul, Korea

Filed under Interactive, Co-Design, Experimental, Data Visualization

ㄱ ㅣ ㅁ ㅣ ㅎ ㅕ    instagram: mihyun___kim
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