Underground Images

School of Visual Arts  (SVA) Subway Posters, 1947 to the Present

The mobile application project was initiated as a means to enhance the visibility and engagement with the Underground Images Poster Exhibition during its showcase at the University of Texas at Arlington with the Dallas-Forth Worth Chapter of the AIGA, The Professional Association for Design in 2015. The app was designed with the intent of providing prospective students and design enthusiasts with an immersive opportunity to explore and interact with the traveling poster exhibition. 

Given that many designers may not have the change to visit the exhibition in person, the app serves as an invaluable educational tool, raising awareness and appreciation for the showcased designs. The exhibition itself brings together a collective of 62 posters crafted at the School of Visual Arts (SVA), designed for display within the extensive New York City subway system since 1947.   

The Poster Exhibition

Mobile Application Concept Design

Interview with Ivan Chermayeff  at AIGA NY website
Interview with Milton Glaser at AIGA DFWwebsite

Filed under  Interactive, Experimental

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